Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July USA!

Still no plans for what to do today for the 4th. Sunita was invited to a Tanzanian version of a wedding shower last night. She said it was fantastic! Shaina and I took out Ally and Allen for some food and drinks. On the way there we ran out of petrol on a hill and Ally and I had to run to a nearby station to fill up a water bottle. Once our car, a Fiat "Panda", had a taste we were good to go. I thought that the restaurant was going to have to ask us to leave; we were laughing so hard! Ally and Allen are a riot! The four of us were in tears for two hours!
I guess you may be wondering about the luggage situation... Two nights ago I dreamed the same dream three times in a row (not usual for me). I dreamed that they arrived with my bag but nothing was in it. "I thought you were just missing your bag," they said, "here's your bag!" Funny dream, huh? No, I'm not psychic, and that's not what really happened. I'm happy to say that yesterday at about 5pm Ally drove up in the Panda and said, "WE HAVE SIX BAGS!" We heard that we had some bags, maybe four or five, but not SIX. We went crazy!!!!! Thanks to all of you who sent good wishes for us to receive them in a timely matter. I'd say that getting them here in 3 days was pretty good! (Here's where the story gets good!) Allen and Ally started taking the bags and packages out one by one. I saw the two boxes for Global Outreach! I saw the black box for our program! I saw Stan's bag! The next bag that came out was super wrapped in tape, rope, and garbage bags. We opened it up... it was Shaina's bag!!!!! Unfortunately TSA must have used a knife to cut through and search her duffel bag (guess they don't know how to use a zipper). It was a bit musky and damp but it was all there. The last bag that came out was wrapped in a similar fashion. We opened it up. (By now you can probably guess that there's something wrong with my bag right?) IT WASN'T MY BAG!!!! I was fortunate enough to be given a duffel bag full of medical supplies for a local missionary. That's right: medical supplies. We now have absolutely no clue where my things are. Uhhh... Hakuna Matata, I guess. Fortunately Shaina bought a sweatshirt in town that she's letting me wear. (Remember, it's really cold except for an hour or two in the afternoon when it gets pretty hot. The temperature change must be somewhere around 45 degrees.) The sweatshirt has a huge label on the front that reads: PHATFARM. I'm walking around Iringa in a Phatfarm hoodie. Allen and Ally say I look like like Eminem (great...) So if you're sending wishes for the arrival of our bags, Thank You! (but can you make sure that you pray for the right ones?)
After our eating and laughing extravaganza, I was taken to my new house. Because we got back late, about 10pm, I had to bribe the guard with 1,000 shillings to let me in. I'm now staying in the bishop's house. It is farther away from Sunita, Stan, and Shaina and isn't nearly as nice as the compound that I was staying in before, but it does have "mostly" hot water. Staying in the bishop's house is another honor I have been graced with. There aren't as many roosters either, but there are bells. (I know what you're thinking... How nice to be woken in the morning by church bells!) These aren't softly chiming bells. These are loud endless bangs that go off every morning at 5:30. Still, it gets you up and ready for your day.
I'm still working on my Swahili and we're almost done with the pre-program setup. Always something interesting happening.... I love Tanzania!


  1. How funny! It looks like you are really soaking up your adventure. I love the pictures you posted! Happy 4th to you, too!

  2. Have a happy 4th! Rainy one here in IN. Boo! Love ya Eminem!

  3. Sounds like your having a blast, cousin-in-law! Can't wait to hang when you get back.


  4. Love your blog, Chris! I talked with Jan today - she and Jim are getting ready for their trip to join you. Enjoy! Hope your bag makes it pretty soon....

  5. a great find for panda fanatic!
    my roommate and i LOVE this bag
